David Archer, a regular Island visitor for 55 years has recently contacted the MER Society and has kindly provided the following comments and thoughts concerning the work currently taking place in Laxey Station.

"It greatly saddens me to see this destruction of a once timeless and absolutely priceless location, how on earth was this allowed to happen?. I despair at the ongoing destruction of the once timeless and totally unique railways on the Island, its nothing short of a DISGRACE, and totally heartbreaking to see this mindless official vandalism. Laxey was a beautiful setting, totally unique, where else in this world could you watch and join vintage trams on their wonderful journeys in such an unspoilt setting?. Now all this has gone, and now doubt it will be soon followed by the Ramsey MER Conservatory scheme, the Douglas IMR restaurant, and Port Erin IMR Interchange, UNBELIEVABLE!.

The Island had a totally unique railway system which was without doubt without equal in these Islands and probably as unspoilt as any other system in the world, this present management of the railways are totally destroying this and seems hell bent on turning it into just another form of transport. With the cuts that all the departments are making on the Island, to me this can only spell disaster, one of the great attractions for me was the railways, i have grown up with the systems, having first visited in 1959 at the age of 4. Sadly i saw the loss of the greater part of the IMR, the very shortsighted closure of the MER way back in the 70's, when if it had not have been for the likes of Mike Goodwyn and Tony Beard we wouldn't have had the railways today ( How they must be turning in their graves at this present regimes destruction).

This year for the first time in over 20 years, i have decided to give the Island a miss, i simply cannot face this ongoing destruction of the Island's Railways, and sadly i think a few more will be thinking the same."

Since the publication of Mr Archer's remarks we have received the following comments in response via the Society Facebook page:-

"I`m afraid this will be a typical response from a lot of the tramway`s followers. "

"I will keep an open mind until I see it, but I am a little mystified about why this was needed? I thought there was a shortage of cash at present."

"I agree. Too late to do anything now. Only sensible approach is to vote with your feet. I would sooner send the money to Trams Today than spend it on a trip to LAXEY... "

"It is an unfortunate fact that people turning away will be the only thing the supernumerated fools responsible will listen to. BOYCOTT!"

"There is so they had to spend it. Not for them to spend it restoring Laxey Glen Gardens though; they had to wreck something else and what better than getting your friendly modernist architect to re-design the only surviving unspoiled victorian tram station in Britain. Over-engineered traction poles, horrible modernistic lighting and their best friend; wholly unsuitable and inappropriate stone paving just like the mess they have made of Ramsey and are making everywhere else they can get a Degeneration project going. These people have no love for the Manx, Manx tradition or the Isle of Man. They must be publicly exposed and condemned for what they are and what they have done."

"As one whose interest is primarily bus, I cannot claim to be anything other than a passing interested visitor - BUT - I fondly recall being amazed by Laxey when I first visited. I have not seen 'the destruction' but I must deplore wanton destruction of the things people most value. These are things to be handed down, not trashed through political whim or over-indulgent knee-jerk to H&S or whatever.
It alarms me when those whose opinions should count most are forced to make comments as above."

"It would seem an imperative to influence those who make decisions to limit further damage.I wait with anxiety to see what has happened to Laxey and I can only feel for those dedicated souls who have done so much and yet are forced to sit back and watch as precious things are so damaged. "

"I can only say that i am so glad i saw the beauty that was Laxey and have the memories and numerous photos taken over the years - up until this last couple of years it was timeless, a real jewel in the crown, it beggars belief and leaves me speechless now - so sad."

"Never again will I visit the IoM, I'd rather just stay home with my memories."

We would like to hear your views. If you have any comments or further information on this story, please email the Manx Electric Railway Society at [email protected]


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